I am student Masue A. Kromah, current representative of the 12th Grade Class of the New Hope Academy (NHA), which is situated in Jacob Town, Peace Island, Monrovia, Liberia.
I also represent the entire student body of the NHA as President of the Student Council.
It was indeed, a distinguished honor and pleasure to have you, Aunty Dunbar, on February 7, 2023, on our campus to interact with you, as students, parents and guidance.
Madam, our interaction was focused on basic life-time experience and how to become successful entrepreneurs.
Aunty Dunbar, your story which has been shared with us, on productive entrepreneurship was not only educative, motivating but also rewarding.
I personally learned a lot from you as to how to start doing business in the Liberian nation.
Some of the key aspects of your presentation that thrilled me educationally are as follows:
Entrepreneurship: An entrepreneur is an individual who organizes a business venture, assumes the risks it entails and for its long- time calculation.
An entrepreneur takes a lot of risks which involves sacrifices, dedication and being time conscious on the job.
To become an entrepreneur, you need to interact freely with others and persuade your customers to peacefully remain engaged with your customers.
I also learned that the virtues of Integrity, Honesty and Humanity are key in entrepreneurship.
You clearly explained that integrity is a moral value, set by any entrepreneur for reliability.
Additionally, you pointed out that honesty is more than essential. You encouraged every one of us, to at all times, demonstrate integrity, credibility and trust in doing business.
You narrated that being honest is similar to being truthful with others and to always register your business legally for appreciate accreditation.
You further encouraged each and every one of us to cultivate quality or good moral behavior that will make others to believe us at all times and benefit from our interactions.
You concluded by saying that we, Liberians should learn to hire the expertise of others, show care and love for employees and others which will take Liberia, our mother land, towards a fortress of progress and stability.
All these salient points and words of encouragement from you were indeed amazing.
Indeed, I am truly inspired to dream bigger, remain innovatively creative as we strive to meaningfully contribute to the development of our dear country, Liberia, and the larger society.
On behalf of the entire student body of the NHA and the BFF family, I thank you so much for your resourceful and impactful presentation that serves as a brightening touch in our struggle for knowledge, foresight, and skills that will enable us to create and maintain our respective businesses sooner than later through God’s grace.
God Bless you Aunty always.