Maisie Dunbar has not only brought beautiful, safe and user-friendly Bluffa Jo cosmetic products to our girls of color she also commits her time to being a consultant and global liaison for Felicia’s Promise Inc. and our family in Africa. If asked; Maisie & her cosmetics would get 5 stars! As a woman of color Maisie sets a high bar for us and our mentees to follow. She has shared her business savvy and community relationships with each one of us, here in the US and across the Continent. Maisie was introduced to me by our Executive Director & Founder of Felicia’s Promise. Felicia who shared a story with me about how Maisie stepped in and offered selflessly her expertise when she was running her Spa in Brooklyn, NY. When Maisie speaks, we should listen, don’t sleep on this Sista! Thank you Maisie for ALL that you have done and continue to do for our mentoring program.