Beauty Business Coaching

The Life Of Your Business Is Our Business
Beauty Business


Our goal is to help individuals implement proven best practices and  strategies for growth in alignment  to their business objectives.  Coaching includes vision/mission  clarification, leadership strategy, operations and overall development of spa business acumen. Additional guidance include effective strategies for team building and business culture design.

Develop: Develop and empower the youth  to embrace their intrinsic power.

Sustainability: Enable the youth to intentionally collaborate, help them work towards being intellectually, economically, emotionally  sound to make life changing decisions.

Beauty Business coaching

Entrepreneurship Training /Leadership Training

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Beauty Business coaching

Coaching Training Mentorship Program (CTM)

CTM System is mastering the Maisie Dunbar Beauty System for success

Investment$1500 3 Months
  • Includes materials weekly hourly mentorship to build a million-dollar beauty business
  • MD system
  • Front desk
  • Pay structure employee vs booth rental , commission operator
  • Charging what you are worth
  • Cost of goods
  • Contracts and script
  • Dress code i.e uniform
  • Lease negotiation
  • Coaching calls weekly
  • Home work
  • Guest speakers
  • Industry experts
  • What to do and how to do it
  • Space planning
  • Equipment/products
  • Note: This is for licenses salons or technicians only. Must summit a valid copy of professional license